A transformative 3 Week Mini-Mind that guides you to activate your deepest desires by embodying and reconnecting with who you are.

Group starts mid to late May 2024 (date TBA)

This is for the woman who is:

Pivoting or starting a new chapter in her life

Feels lost or disconnected with what she’s doing

Wants to start that passion project, new business, charity or movement

An entrepreneur who isn’t in love with her business anymore

Maybe you can relate ...

You’ve lived a lot of life, done a lot, had some big successes. You’ve ‘been there, done that’.

BUT now you’ve hit a wall and you feel stagnant. You’re ready for something more, something that feeds your soul, something that sparks joy.

You feel disconnected to who you are (aka personal brand) BUT not sure how to tap back into this energy,

As you navigate this next chapter of your life, your soul craves something big and you feel ready to hold space for this. You’re just not sure where to start.


I knew I needed to create this for you (and lets be honest, for me too) because you’ve been wondering what shifts do you have to make to attract all the abundance you’re meant to have.

Plus the freedom to live your life how you always imagined it.

Towards the end of last year I felt this energetic pull to stop how I was running my business and frankly ‘being’ in life.
My relationship with my husband was off. I completely felt not aligned as a couple. I felt like all my external things weren’t vibing with me anymore.
I was questioning everything. Do I get a divorce. Do I move. Do I trash my business…the list goes on.
I knew these ‘things’ weren’t the root cause of me feeling ‘off’. Instead of turning my life upside down at age 52, I dug deep internally.
I discovered that I was out of alignment with my core values. My soul. My spirit. 
I had been operating from masculine energy for so many years…hustling, grinding, producing, worrying about metrics and numbers. Grasping, gripping, stressing, controlling.
This wasn’t going to be a sustainable way to live or make money.
I went back to practices and concepts that fueled my feminine energy, lit my soul on fire, brought my spirit back to joy and felt lighter and freer.
I’ve been implementing these new practices for 6 months along with a few of my private clients.
Not only have I experienced a major transformation, my clients have too.

Time to get Aligned

A 3 week Mini-Mind that guides you to activate your deepest desires by embodying and reconnecting with who you are.

Amplify this next chapter of your life, define your narrative and live a life of abundance, choice and freedom.


Weekly Agenda

1 weekly training (3 total) with hot seat group coaching call hosted on Zoom, you’ll also receive recording link in WhatsApp group

Weekly challenge and exercise (1x each week)

24/7 private community chat for on-demand coaching, accountability, sharing your wins, support and co-creating

Bonus 4th week training on Zoom for women who want to align themselves in their current business or the start of a new project, business, charity, movement.

Here’s What You Can Expect:

Week 1: Fully Embody your Uniqueness and Desires with your personal power
  • Tap into your inner personal energy to explore your unique gifts and how to use them to fulfill what you’re desiring in life right now. We’ll start by doing a “Day of Play” concept, you’ll love the tangible practice.
  • Embody who you desire to be by shifting your energy with a other tangible practices that physically tap into the core of who you are.
Week 2: Learning, Unlearning and Dreaming
  • In order to reconnect we must start with ‘unlearning’ who we were told to be.
  • Bringing to life the dreams that you’re secretly keeping hidden and how to move these to your focus to manifest them into reality.
Week 3: Amplifying Your Presence, Attracting Abundance, Moving forward Limitlessly
  • Taking the practices you put into action the first two weeks to amplify your presence IRL and online. This allows you to connect with your truth so that you attract abundance, freedom, love and more.
  • We don’t want this to be a fleeting life transformation where you go back to running the same vicious cycle as before.
  • You learn how to keep moving forward aligned and connected to your core values.
BONUS: Starting a New Chapter (4th week, optional)
If you’re currently desiring to start your passion project, new business, not-for-profit/charity or movement – OR – you’re currently an entrepreneur who isn’t in love with your business anymore, here’s a bonus week:
Define Your Narrative + Create Content that Aligns with who you are while attracting your dream clients
  • Unleash the power of storytelling to captivate your audience and have them thinking, ‘how did she know?’
  • Dive into the art of creating activating content and learn how to share your truth with the world.
  • Master the visual game with aesthetics that align with who you are and standout from everyone else online

Who's Teaching this Fabulous Program?

Hey it's Maria

I guide ambitious females to command attention with their own personal power (aka personal brand). It’s been an incredible 20 years of guiding, leading and consulting.

I’ve had the pleasure of mentoring and co-creating with founders, leading experts and executives in travel, fashion, beauty, wellness, luxury real estate and lifestyle spaces.

I had to start my life all over at age 41 due to an unexpected divorce that left me broke … spiritually, mentally, and financially. After waking up from my divorce-acoma while living with my mom, I knew I was meant for more. This isn’t who I am.

So I took the only tangible thing I had at the time, my personal blog and challenged myself to Shop My Closet for 365 Days and blog about everyday. My blog grew into a widely read digital magazine (100k monthly readers), amassed a huge IG following and created an influential brand that ignited my business in ways I never knew were possible.

Many opportunities happened from being a correspondent on morning TV news to hosting live events for big brands, being a cast member on a reality show, co-authoring an Amazon best seller book – and having my brand featured on the side of a luxury bus in Hollywood, plus so much more!

Time to get Aligned

A 3 week Mini-Mind that guides you to activate your deepest desires by embodying and reconnecting with who you are.

Amplify this next chapter of your life, define your narrative and live a life of abundance, choice and freedom.


Weekly Agenda

1 weekly training (3 total) with hot seat group coaching call hosted on Zoom, you’ll also receive recording link in WhatsApp group

Weekly challenge and exercise (1x each week)

24/7 private community chat for on-demand coaching, accountability, sharing your wins, support and co-creating

Bonus 4th week training on Zoom for women who want to align themselves in their current business or the start of a new project, business, charity, movement.

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